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Soulex Founder Pedramin Vaziri |
From our friends at Soulex Float Spa...
DC's First Float Spa Offers Products Designed to Take Zen Home
Soulex Float Spa is now offering retail products designed to recreate the tranquil experience of the spa in the comfort of your own home. From Dead Sea bath salts to a relaxing organic tea blend, the products are custom-blended in the spa with a conscience curation of high end organic and environmentally safe ingredients.
Retail products include:
Pink Himalayan Salt infused with orange, grapefruit and lemongrass essential oils, $36
Dead sea salt infused with lavender and eucalyptus essential oil, $29
Dead sea salt, blue clay infused with eucalyptus essential oil, $18
Licorice root, jasmine, rose bud and cinnamon stick, $8
Since opening last fall, Soulex Founder Pedramin Vaziri has received numerous inquiries from clients asking to buy her custom blend of tea served to clients before and after their floats in the meditation room of the spa. She first obliged by including a jar of the Stress Ease tea in the Mother’s Day package and when that proved to be wildly popular, she finalized the packaging in order to offer them on an ongoing basis. Each jar of tea contains six tea bags.
The two blends of bath salts are formulated to turn your bath at home into a therapeutic center to revive, calm. Each jar of bath salts is approximately enough for 3-4 baths. DETOX is the combination of dead sea salt and blue clay infused with essential oil used for skin exfoliation. The Dead Sea Salt in the CALM and DETOX products is the same that Soulex uses in the 1000 pound mixture of Dead Sea salt and pharmaceutical grade Epsom salts that enable the floating and detoxifying experience in the float tank.
Soulex Float Spa offers the chance to float in a luxuriously appointed, clean and eco-friendly environment. Floating is a powerful stress-relief and wellness tool that takes place in a shallow, sensory-free pool of water, heated to body temperature and saturated with 1000 pounds of pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt. One hour of floating is equivalent to four hours of meditation and eight hours of sleep and can treat a myriad of physical and emotional ails.
Located at 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Soulex provides a welcome retreat from busy city living. Visit soulexdc.com for more information or call (202) 289-0010.