Tom Hardy kicks butt in Mad Max: Fury Road |
IMDb Plot: In a stark desert landscape where humanity is broken, two rebels just might be able to restore order: Max (Tom Hardy) a man of action and of few words, and Furiosa (Charlize Theron) a woman of action who is looking to make it back to her childhood homeland.
Max proclaims, "My world is fire and blood." After watching Mad Max: Fury Road, I wholeheartedly agree. George Miller's reboot is utterly amazing to look at... A myriad of ferocious, gorgeously shot scenes that pay homage to The Road Warrior, only miles better. Porcupine trucks, sand storms and tough chicks: Fury Road has it all. Hardy's terrific; but even Mel Gibson couldn't match Theron's Mad Furiosa for sheer physical awesomeness. It slows down a bit in the middle; but I was grateful for the chance to catch my breath. A for action, C for story: Let's meet in the middle.
Grade: B