Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mason Dixie Pop-Up at Roofers Union

From our friends at Mason Dixie Biscuit Co. and Roofers Union...

Highly Anticipated Restaurant to Serve Late Night Biscuits at Adams Morgan Eatery

WHAT: This August, Roofers Union will celebrate the Mason Dixie Biscuit Co.'s up-and-coming brick and mortar through a collaborative late night menu featuring Southern-inspired snacks by Executive Chef Marjorie Meek-Bradley and biscuit sandwiches. Snacks will include fried green tomatoes served with a pimento cheese wiz and BBQ brisket hoecake tacos with fried pickles.  For a sweet confection, Meek-Bradley will offer moon pies. Mason Dixie will preview three of their signature biscuit sandwiches from their forthcoming menu: the classic fried chicken biscuit, a delightfully juicy pulled pork biscuit, and the innovative sloppy Giuseppe biscuit.

WHO: Mason Dixie Biscuit Co. is a local concept developed in late 2012 by DC-area residents Mo Cherry and Ayeshah Abuelhiga. After 30 years of living in the area, Cherry and Abuelhiga recognized the need for the southern comfort of a biscuit-focused restaurant in the nation's capital. The idea became a reality when the pair brought on RAMMY nominated Pastry Chef Jason Gehring as Executive Chef in September 2013, utilizing his 20 plus years of experience in the restaurant industry.

Prior to joining forces, Cherry worked at Ripple in Cleveland Park, where Meek-Bradley still runs the kitchen. A longtime fan of the brand, Meek-Bradley is excited to share Mason Dixie biscuits with Roofers Union patrons.

Friday August 8th 11:00 PM - 1:00 AM (or until biscuits sell out)
Saturday, August 9th 11:00 PM - 1:00 AM (or until biscuits sell out)

COST: $6-12

Roofers Union
2446 18th Street, NW
Washington DC, 20009