The Sunshine In Her Life Mother's Day Bouquet from KaBloom/Prime Now |
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To celebrate Mother’s Day, Prime Now, Amazon’s superfast delivery service, will be offering FREE two-hour delivery of fresh flowers starting on May 13 through Mother’s Day, May 14.
Fresh flowers are always a great way to show the moms in your life how much you love and appreciate them. Whether you want to save time by skipping a trip to the store, you can’t be with your mom on this Mother’s Day and want to send her a gift, or you just forgot to get a gift until the last minute, Prime Now has you covered!
In addition to fresh flowers, Prime Now offers one and two-hour delivery on tens of thousands of items from Amazon, including awesome last-minute Mother’s Day gifts such as jewelry, cards, candy and beauty products. In the Washington, DC metro area, Prime Now also offers delivery from popular local restaurants so you can get mom breakfast in bed or help with any Mother’s Day celebration.
Amazon Prime members can shop all items available in their area and place orders via the Prime Now app or on One-hour delivery costs $7.99, and two-hour delivery is free.