Monday, May 4, 2015

SeabuckWonders Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Omega-7 Complete & Seed Oil Product Review

Capsule Review: The busier we get, the tougher it is to stay healthy. Sad, but true. But don't get discouraged: Supplements (at least some of them, good ones) can fill in the blanks, and keep us going. I'm religious about mine (daily multiple vitamin, magnesium, vitamin D and fish oil.) The former contains essential fatty acids that help with all sorts of stuff (hair, heart, skin, etc.) I had the chance to try something new recently... Sea Buckthorn Oil Blend Omega-7 Complete & Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil by SeabuckWonders. The drops are actually fun to apply (one less pill to swallow.) I received a month's supply of each; so it's difficult to see tangible results right away, but there's no denying the potency of Dr. Oz's "miracle berry." Sea Buckthorn (from the Tibetan Plateau) helps with better skin (nails too) digestion and immunity. Omega-7s benefit heart & liver health as well. Sounds good/vital to me. When it comes to supplements, too much of a supposedly good thing can potentially be bad (even counter-productive) so choosing the right ones is essential. Make sure to read up on the benefits (and potential side effects) of each new supplement you're considering.

Capsule Review

From our friends at SeabuckWonders...

Add a Little Spring in Your Step with Five Simple Health Tips from SeabuckWonders!

Are you ready to put winter behind you and take a healthy step forward to greet the spring? SeabuckWonders, a trusted expert and leading source of sea buckthorn products, is offering Five Simple Tips to maximize your health this spring season.

1. Recharge Your Immune System - As seasons change, your immune system can become jeopardized. Dr. Sapna Parikh states, "Most people would agree, sudden weather changes can make you feel under the weather. It can't actually make you sick... but it can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to those germs." Keep your immune system on full throttle by adding sea buckthorn berry oil to your morning routine! A couple of drops in your smoothie or juice add reinforcement with the omega-rich, immune-boosting properties of sea buckthorn.

2. Put Your Heart in It! - Springtime is time to think about our cardiovascular fitness, as we spend more time outside and become energized by the increased amount of sunlight. Exercising regularly and eating a proper diet including heart-healthy nutrients can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and 6 are well known for promoting a healthy heart, while vitamins E, A, B-complex, and beta-carotene provide much needed antioxidants. Sea buckthorn contains high-levels of these nutrients, naturally making it an excellent everyday supplement to support a healthy cardiovascular system. Add SeabuckWonders Seed Oil Gel Caps to your daily routine!

3. Protect Your Skin - Warm temperatures and an increasing sun angle will become responsible for an increasing UV index. The dangers of sunburn can start as early as March. As you peel off layers of clothing, remember to ensure that your skin is protected by adding sunscreen to exposed areas. Sea Buckthorn contains natural UV blocking properties that help protect the skin from UV-induced stress. Dab on the SeabuckWonders body lotion or “drop in” some sea buckthorn oil into your shower gel or shaving cream. It is an easy way to receive mild sun protection, especially for days when you haven’t applied your regular sunscreen.

4. Watch Your Mouth - Do you find that the warmer weather makes you smile? It’s always a good time to review your daily flossing and brushing techniques to make sure your tools are providing maximum benefits. Additionally, oral health is reflective of our diet and sea buckthorn provides high levels of vitamins A and E, potent antioxidants, inflammatory responses, and omega fatty acids that help support teeth and gums. Rubbing sea buckthorn oil on your gums provides omega fatty acids, including Omega-7, the opportunity to help nourish mucous membranes and provide inflammation response support.

5. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize - Springtime offers visually stimulating opportunities as the ground awakens and little buds start to bloom in an array of color and variation. Carotenoids, a phytochemical found naturally in sea buckthorn, support eye health. Sea buckthorn also boasts high levels of Vitamin A, another essential nutrient for vision. Besides these vision-supporting nutrients, this wonderful berry contains a high content of the rare Omega-7 fatty acid, which, along with a high content of Omega-3, may ease symptoms of dry eyes by stimulating the natural lubrication response. Try SeabuckWonders Omega-7 Complete Gel Caps or add some berry oil to your daily diet.

SeabuckWonders, a trusted expert and leading source of sea buckthorn products for almost 20 years, offers the ultimate plant-based omega source - sea buckthorn - in their line of natural supplements and skin care products. All SeabuckWonders products are 100% natural, certified organic, vegan and gluten-free. Now available online or at Whole Foods, Sprouts and many other retailers, these healthy products are right at your fingertips.

SeabuckWonders, a division of Balanceuticals Group, Inc., is a company with close to 20 years of experience producing the highest quality Sea Buckthorn Oils known in the world. Since introducing their products to the United States back in 1994, the company, under the direction of Xingwu Liu, renowned Cultural Anthropology Professor, has maintained its excellence by using only pure Himalayan, wild-grown, handpicked Sea Buckthorn. Please visit for more information and a list of locations where the products can be purchased.