Environmental Film Festival Plot: The Bat Man has been saving the amazing bats of his homeland Mexico since childhood, when he kept vampires in his bathroom. Now his favorite drink, Tequila, is at stake. The bat that pollinates the plant that this famous liquor comes from is in trouble. Dr. Rodrigo A. Medellín braves hurricanes, snakes, Mayan tombs and seas of cockroaches to track and save the bats during their migration. Narrated by David Attenborough. Directed by Tom Mustill. Produced by Peter Fison, Windfall Films. Winner, Discovery People and Nature Award, 2014 Wildscreen Film Festival.
It takes a unique type of person to "champion one of the world's most hated animals," but unique only begins to describe Medellín, a fun-loving adventurer/ecologist who proudly proclaims, "I am the Bat Man." Can't say I share his love for bats; but you have to admire his dedication & perseverance, especially when he's walking through a living pool of blood, en route to a scary-as-heck cave filled with thousands of bats. Best moment? An amazed Medellín declares, "She's having a baby!" as he watches it (bat giving birth = cool) on his laptop. Great topic. Even greater passion.
Grade: B