From our friends at Rosa Mexicano...
In anticipation of Day of the Dead (November 1-2) Rosa Mexicano will celebrate the traditional Mexican holiday, honoring the dearly departed with special menu additions from October 31-November 2. Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos, is a long-standing Mexican custom where families honor their passed love ones with food, drink, decorations and gifts. Rosa Mexicano’s special menu (available during dinner-only) will celebrate the spirit of the holiday with the following additions:
• Guacamole de Otoño with pomegranate and toasted pumpkin seeds
Enchiladas de Mole Poblano |
• Enchiladas de Mole Poblano: Two tortillas filled with shredded chicken and topped with mole sauce, onions and queso fresco
• Buñuelos Rellenos: Deep-fried vanilla ice cream coated in cinnamon buñuelo crust. Served with whipped cream and guajillo-raspberry sauce
• Flor de Mezcal cocktail: Del Maguey Vida mezcal, agave, orange and lime with a chile de árbol and guajillo chile-salted rim. Garnished with a traditional marigold for Day of the Dead.
Click here to make an online reservation.