From our friends at Monumental Network...
DC Brawlers Host Family-Friendly Meet & Greet Event at CrossFit Impavidus
Brawlers to host #OffTheGRID event for local fans on Saturday. Patriot Center match on September 6 has been cancelled against NY Rhinos.
In true Brawler style, the DC Brawlers will not be defeated. While the NPGL has cancelled the NY Rhinos vs. DC Brawlers match that was scheduled for this Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Patriot Center, the Brawlers have created an interactive fan event to meet with local fans.
Fans who purchased tickets to the Rhinos vs. Brawlers match at the Patriot Center will receive refunds. Tickets purchased at the arena box office must be returned in person by September 20. Tickets purchased online or via Phonecharge will be automatically credited.
While the team is disappointed in the cancellation, the Brawlers are committed to the DC area and their fans. Details are still being worked out, but the Brawlers will offer an All Access event this Saturday at CrossFit Impavidus.
The event will feature the DC Brawlers team and coaching staff, free food, entertainment, family-friendly fun, prizes and racing/competitions. Please check the team Facebook page for updates:
The event will take place on Saturday, Sept. 6 from 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM at CrossFit Impavidus located at 21660 Red Rum Drive #133, Ashburn, Va.